Master Dominic Silo 6th Dan

Master Dominic Silo 6th Dan

Master Dominic Silo 6th Dan Sa Bom Silo began his Tang Soo Tao training career in Darwin, November 1983, most recently testing to 6th Dan at the 2023 Shim Sa. He has travelled and trained throughout Australia, including starting a school in Adelaide before settling in...
Kyo Sa Sofia Demo 3rd Dan

Kyo Sa Sofia Demo 3rd Dan

Sofia began training at Tang Soo Tao when she was 6 years old. Inspired by a classmate’s show ‘n’ tell, where he presented his karate gear she wanted to start lessons straight away. Starting as a source of fun, as Sofia trained longer she found herself motivated by...
Kyo Sa James Royce 3rd Dan

Kyo Sa James Royce 3rd Dan

Kyo Sa James Royce has been training in Tang Soo Tao for 10 years. Initially, as a “Karate Kid” he sought to develop confidence and fitness while learning self-defence. However, as he continued his training through his senior years of schooling his...